Chiropractic is the study, treatment, and prevention of dysfunctions of the joints, spine, and muscles. Special attention is paid to the mechanisms of action between the nervous system, vertebrae, and musculature.

In treatment, the goal is prevention and maintenance of functional ability, but chiropractic also helps with acute problems, such as sciatica, back pain, neck pain, bulging disc, radiation pain, facet lock, and SI joint dysfunction.
Chiropractic manipulation treatment is done either by hand, with the help of chiropractic instruments or a treatment table.

Chiropractic helps maintain the mobility and well-being of the spine and peripheral joints, as well as the good functioning of the nervous system.

In Finland, chiropractic treatment is not reimbursed by KELA, but some health insurance funds and private insurances reimburse the treatment. Clarify the matter with your own health fund/insurance company.

kiropraktikko tampere tuomas kivisto
Kiropraktikot Tuomas Kivistö ja Elina Pulkkinen


Today, manual care is performed by several service providers with different levels of training. Chiropractor training is the most comprehensive specialist training in manual care.

The preclinical phase of a chiropractor’s 5-year training lasts 2.5 years and meets the requirements of medical training. The main subjects are e.g. anatomy, physiology, neurology, pathology, and radiology. Advanced studies include e.g. familiarization with functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system and manual treatment techniques. The degree also included two years of clinical training.

A chiropractor can treat a patient without a doctor’s referral, and the chiropractor’s treatment is scientifically proven to be safe.

Since most of the blockages in our body come from our lifestyle, repetitive movement patterns, or immobility, we wholeheartedly recommend regular chiropractic maintenance visits to everyone.

Chiropractic is the study, treatment, and prevention of dysfunctions of the joints, spine, and muscles. Special attention is paid to the mechanisms of action between the nervous system, vertebrae, and musculature.

In treatment, the goal is prevention and maintenance of functional ability, but chiropractic also helps with acute problems, such as sciatica, back pain, neck pain, bulging disc, radiation pain, facet lock, and SI joint dysfunction.
Chiropractic manipulation treatment is done either by hand, with the help of chiropractic instruments or a treatment table.

Chiropractic helps maintain the mobility and well-being of the spine and peripheral joints, as well as the good functioning of the nervous system.

In Finland, chiropractic treatment is not reimbursed by KELA, but some health insurance funds and private insurances reimburse the treatment. Clarify the matter with your own health fund/insurance company.


Today, manual care is performed by several service providers with different levels of training. Chiropractor training is the most comprehensive specialist training in manual care.

The preclinical phase of a chiropractor’s 5-year training lasts 2.5 years and meets the requirements of medical training. The main subjects are e.g. anatomy, physiology, neurology, pathology, and radiology. Advanced studies include e.g. familiarization with functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system and manual treatment techniques. The degree also included two years of clinical training.

A chiropractor can treat a patient without a doctor’s referral, and the chiropractor’s treatment is scientifically proven to be safe.

Since most of the blockages in our body come from our lifestyle, repetitive movement patterns, or immobility, we wholeheartedly recommend regular chiropractic maintenance visits to everyone.

What kind of ailments do we see the most?

How does the Chiropractic visit proceed?

Your first visit includes both a Chiropractic examination and Chiropractic treatment.

Chiropractic examination
Chiropractic treatment

After the initial interview, the examination begins with case-specific orthopedic and neurological tests. Based on them, I decide if I can handle it or if the customer needs something else. If the customer has previous images (MRI/X-ray) and statements, they will be reviewed.

Next, a chiropractic examination of the spine, SI joints, and limb joints is performed, as well as muscle innervation testing. This study locates the actual dysfunctions in the spine and elsewhere that I can treat with chiropractic. These typically include poorly moving joints and poorly activated muscles. Often these are also the sore points, but not nearly always. Sometimes the most painful spots are found around hypermobile joints, which the nervous system tries to support by tightening the muscles. In this case, it is even more important to find and treat the worst moving parts in the chain of action, even if they are not painful.


You can book an appointment directly from online appointment booking